Saturday, June 13, 2009

My Stockpile Closet

I've been seriously working on my stockpile for about 16 months. During this time, I've stored the stuff wherever it would fit.....some of it in the walk-in closet, some in the hall closet, some in a dresser. It was hard to find anything or know how much I had of each item. Well, a couple weeks ago I had an idea. There's a closet in the basement that....well to be honest, was just full of junk. A perfect place to store my stockpile!

In the first picture you can get an idea of how deep the closet is.

The box on the top shelf is full of toilet paper. Plus, there's seven 4 packs on top of the box. I probably got about ten packages of Angel Soft clearanced at 40 cents from WAGS, I was getting worried because the box was getting low on the free Cottonelle that I had from Kroger. I will show better pictures of the second shelf in a different post.

Here's my pet supply and cleaning shelf. I do most cleaning because of the pets, so I thought they should go together. All pet food is stored in the kitchen.

The fourth shelf has laundry supplies, Pledge, dish soap, and toilet bowl cleaning wands (remember those coupons??). There's a bin of Lysol wipes on the floor. The Tidy Cats box if filled to the top with aerosol air fresheners.

Pictures of the upstair's stockpile will be posted at a later time.


Sam said...

Looks great :) I love looking at how others organize their stockpiles.

Frances said...

I wish I had a spare closet! Looks great!