Here's one of Max's first pictures. My mom is wearing the gloves because Max scratched like crazy while taking his bottle. Maybe that's why Little Girl brought him to us and kept the other five. LOL That and the fact that he never got full! Up until he was 6 to 12 months old he'd knead my hair while I slept. I'd wake up and find half my hair matted to the side of my head. He'd also "pet" my head sometimes when he wanted HIS head petted.
I find myself looking at the other black cats and trying to spot Max's white whiskers. I really miss him when I'm in the kitchen because he'd hit my leg with his head and push his way through my calves. I guess that way he got petted on both sides and the same time. I also miss his distint meow. The house just isn't the same without him! :(
Look at that round little belly! You can tell he wasn't under-fed!
Love that cute round little belly! Max was absolutely adorable!
Thanks for posting that pic! Now I know a little bit of what my Lucky probably looked like as a little kitty :) Sooooo cute!
Hope you are doing okay!
I will be posting the paw it forward soon, I didn't get a chance over the weekend...that sun was too nice to keep me cooped up inside!
I know how you feel, it hurts so much, but the memories forever and they will never leave you.
With the photo books, I can purchase them now, but actually do them later? If so, that is an AWESOME deal! I need to go jump on that - they would be great with wedding pics later to send out to family that couldnt make it, or to grandparents, etc.
Max was too darned cute! I know you've got to be missing him like crazy.
So have you actually tried rolling the photobook EB then? And it worked? I'm wondering about it cuz it actually says Limit 1 in the ad, but if there isn't a limit then I'll go back over and over! Those would make excellent gifts!
Brooke---That's what the cashier was recoomeending! The limit in my paper was 1 also, but the ECB printed 5 times!
Beth and Annie--- I'm doing as best as can be expected. It was just so unexpected! I'm kicking myself for not spending more time with him or taking more pictures. He was such a good boy, he didn't demand it like the others. The other 7 cats are keeping me company though. I can't imagine how horrible I would feel if Max had been an only cat.
Sarah--- That's what the cashier told me to do. I've got 12 empty photobooks in my living room waiting to be made.
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