April/May 2003 - July 1, 2009
My beloved furbaby, Max, looking so hansome in his "tux".
Max passed away this morning at 6:15 am with me by his side. I did not find out until later in the morning that he'd had cancer of the liver for about a month or so. He was only 6 years old! If I had know what was wrong, I'd had let him go Friday with his last vet visit. I'm grateful that I got to be with him and he didn't suffer for a lengthy time. His six brothers, two sisters and I miss him very much. The house is not the same without his sweet personality. I called him "Mild Mannered Max" because he didn't have a mean bone in his body. He only got aggressive when he felt threatened. I had him since he was about 3 weeks old; he was a bottle fed baby.
I will tell more of his story next week when I am less emotional. I also what to find more pictures.
aww shelly! I'm so sorry. He looks like such a sweetheart. You're in my prayers, hon.
So sorry to hear about your kitty- we lost our 14 year old Black Lab to cancer last April- we didn't know it was there, either- the symptoms came on suddenly and then we had to decide whether to let her go or watch her suffer- and of course we made the humane choice to let her go. It was painful, but not as painful as a long, drawn out illness and end would have been. I know you miss Max terribly-this time next year, you will be able to recall fond memories of him and it won't be as hard- we are finally able to do that now. My heart goes out to you!
I'm so sorry for your loss. Poor baby was too young to have this horrible desease but I hope that he didn't suffer too much. You're in my thoughts.
Shelly, we are so very sorry to hear this very sad news of Max. Max was a very lucky boy to have found you at such a young age and have you bottle feed and take care of him so well. We know he was very appreciative of all the love and attention you gave him right up till the end.
Max reminds us of our Sylvester who passed away in 07 at the age of six, he was also a handsome tux. We bet Cal and Sylvester were there to greet Max when he arrived at the bridge. That gives us comfort to know they have a wonderful new friend.
Please know you are in our hearts, thoughts and prayers during this very sad time.
Dana and The Creek Cats
Thanks everyone for the kind words and prayers! A friend of mine, whose 7 yr. old dog is currently be treated for cancer, told me last night that she's been told that about 50% of cats and dogs get cancer. I had no idea! Such a horrible disease for furbaby or human.
Dana--- I thought of Cal yesterday morning. I bet he and Max are good friends already. :)
Awww what a cutie. Sorry about your loss.
I'm so sorry honey! 'hugs'
We are so sorry. He was a handsome boy, and know he will be missed.
~ The Bunch
We are so sorry to hear about Max. We are sending comforting purrs to all of you who are missing him so very much....
We gots purrs and headbutts fer yoo all and the mom sends her (((hugs))).
I am so sorry to hear this. Hugs to you. I am glad that he had you to love him and that you were there with him to give comfort. I know you will miss him.
I read through the rest of the posts and wanted to add that I also have a cat with cancer. It is skin cancer and I have to keep taking her in to have it removed. I am sure one day there will be nothing more they can do and I will have a choice to make, but for now I just keep taking her in.
We are so sorry to hear about Max's passing, but are glad that he no longer has the cancer ravaging his body.
Sending all of you purrs and gentle headbutts.
We're so sorry for your loss. Sometimes it's harder to lose one of us kitties den a human frend.
We're sorry you lost your handsome Max! It is so hard to say good-bye to our furries. Sending warm purrs and gentle tail wags.
I'm so sorry about Max. I'm sure he will be dearly missed.
Aw :( We's sorry to hear about Max. We sendin yoo our bestest purrs of sympathy and purrs to Max on his way to the Rainbow Bridge.
Sanjee and the resta the Hotties
Our thoughts are with you. I recently lost my brother Ivan who had a heart attack and died right in front of me. He was 4. Mom and Dad adopted me 3 sisters and they helped fill the void. But it sure hurts the hear. Love, your friends Brian, Sascha, Gracie and Zoe.
We are so sorry for your loss of Max.
There is a very special bond when you are together for such a long time. We're so sorry to hear about Max.
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
I'm sorry about your fur baby. They really do become family. There's no rhyme or reason how long they stay with us. I had a 7 yr old die of kidney failure and another 7 yr old die of unknown causes, they think a heart attack! I have a 17 yr old that has been diabetic for 5 years and is still getting along...
We are so sorry and sad for the loss of your handsome tuxie boy.
(((HUGS))) and purrs
we are all so sorry to hear of your loss of your beloved max
We are so sorry for your lost.
We know how difficult it is to loose a friend.
Big hugs
Loki and Nanny
We are so sorry for your loss. Max looked like a lovely Tuxy baby. He looks a lot like my Kirby! Our Wizard was only 8 when kidney disease took him it hurts when we loos any of our fur babies but when they are young, it seems lick such a waste! We found that sharing his memories and stories helped ease some of the pain. We are sending comforting purrs to you ans all his siblings.
we never met max but he must have been a very special kitty by the comments we have read. we are sending comforting purrs to you during this difficult time.
y2kt & momsbusy
I'm so very sorry you've lost the wonderful Max, at such an early age too! Things wont be the same for a while yet, but given time, you'll begin to enjoy your memories of him, without so much pain.
I am sorry about your sweet Max. It was nice to hear that he was able to slip to the Bridge resting beside his Mom.
Sending you hugs.
Shelly, we are so sorry that Max was called to the Bridge so soon. We are sure that our little angel babies will have been there to welcome him, and show him all the loveliest spots up there.
VA mom--- Sorry to hear that you lost your Lab to this horrible disease. If I had known what Max had, I would have not let him suffer so.
centralil---Sorry to about your cat. I didn't know cats could get skin cancer.
Thanks to everyone for the love, support, purrs and prayers. It's hard to go in the house and not see him. Or do anything in the kitchen and not feel him butt me in the leg with his head and push his way through my legs.
We're so sorry to hear about Max. He looks like he was a sweet kitty. We're sending purrs and headbutts to you, and hugs from The Mommy.
Purrs and hugs,
The Kitty Krew
So sorry from Max :(
He looks so cute !!
we will think on you ...
Kareltje =^.^=
I am soooo sorry to hear about Max!!! What a wonderful, handsome boy. No amount of time is ever enough with our sweet furkids. I saw a photo of Max at the Creek Cats blog and had to come over. I know he was very loved and very lucky to be with you.
Many purrs to you,
Carrie the SnipPet Girl
We are so very sorry to hear of your loss of dear Max. *purrs and hugs*
Shelly, I'm so sorry we were so slow to arrive here to say how sorry we are to hear about dear sweet Max. I think this is exactly what happened to our Lewis as well just last August. His liver values went all wrong and then the vet thought he might have Lymphoma...we will never know for certain. We lost our dear sweet Maggie to bile duct cancer. It was so hard. We are sending purrs your way.
I just read about Max. I am so very sorry that he had to leave at such a young age. It's heartbreaking when these things happen.
How sad... I know all about loosing a pet, and it really HURTS! All the people saying "it´s just a cat" dont´t know NOTHING!!! A cat is the best friend you can get.
We´re sending you all our purrs and love!
Shelly I'm so sorry. Our pets are our families, and losing them is a nightmare. We have a new (stray) kitten and he's already proven himself to be a beloved family member. My prayers are with you.
Shelly, I am so sorry. Hugs, you're in my prayers.
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